Geral in IndieBr

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New Char image (I-Zack)

Belezera, galera?

Venho divulgar o canal do meu irmão no Twitch.

Ele joga games da atualidade, retrôs e indies.
Quem tiver interesse pode apresentar seu projeto que ele irá avaliar.

Ajudem a difundir o canal... Brigaduuuuuuuu!!


eng: My game has officially launched here on gamejolt :D, check out the trailer ;)

Ptbr: Meu jogo lançou oficialmente aqui no gamejolt :D, dá uma conferida no trailer ;)

#plataform #puzzle #short #gamemaker #2d #retro #pixelart #cute #launch #adventure

Eng:Here the images of all the achievements of my game... that will release tomorrow, also... you can get them on gamejolt :D

Ptbr:Aqui as imagens de todas as conquistas do meu jogo... que irá lançar amanhã, também... você pode obtê-las no gamejolt :D


Eng: It's finally here, the trailer of my little game along with release date :3

Ptbr: Está finalmente aqui, o trailer do meu joguinho juntamente com data de lançamento :3

#indie #plataform #short #2d #pixelart #trailer #retro #puzzle #release #gamemaker


Eng: Do you remember that I have a horror game?... Yeah neither me but HEY, I have a new update + a little gameplay :3

Ptbr: Você se lembra que eu tenho um jogo de terror?... Sim, nem eu, mas HEY, eu tenho uma nova atualização + um pouco de gameplay :3

Used some time today trying to figure out smoke in #blender to do the effect on the incense but no luck today. Tried some new shots and textures. Pretty happy on how it is going (kinda relaxing) #shogi #blender3d #b3d #wip

Worked a little on the enviroment today for my #shogi scene. Still #wip, kind of empty

Really liking how it is going
#blender3d #blender #b3d

Second day working in this render. Didn't add that much, adjusted the light, the doors (still thinking how to compose the scene to show them) some cushions and some minor details. still #wip #blender #b3d #shogi

Started working on a little render today, just for practice. This is #shogi, the japanese chess that I'm loving more than western chess. Still #WIP
#3d #blender